Dr. Omar Hamada, MD, MBA

Medical Director

Dr. Hamada earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology/Chemistry from Union University, a Master of Business Administration from Vanderbilt University, and a Doctorate of Medicine from the University of Tennessee College of Medicine. After graduating medical school, Hamada completed residencies at the University of Tennessee, in both Family Medicine and in Obstetrics & Gynecology. Dr. Hamada has also had a successful military career. Having served as Officer in Charge of a U.S. Army battalion medical section consisting of eight personnel, 30 Special Forces medics and several dozen Combat Lifesaver personnel, Hamada was awarded the Bronze Star and retired as a Lt. Colonel.


Briefly describe the path that brought you here.

My life has been devoted to helping others, constant and never-ending improvement, and teaching others how to maximize their life goals, health, and potential. I want for all of us to live authentic lives filled with purpose and joy, despite the many challenges we all face.

Most recently, I've been involved in advancing the discussion around longevity and increasing healthspan though biohacking and all the -omics (metabolomics, proteomics, genomics, etc...) as merged with stem cells/PRP, AI, computational biology, and other exponential technologies.

Though I initially trained as a physician, I began to see the disparity between medicine (the science and the message) and healthcare (the business). Though I was well prepared for the former, I had no training in the latter. As I became more interested in healthcare delivery and policy, I began to see the need for business school. I was there I met Brad Tice and we began to talk about the possibilities. The idea that was to become RxGenomix was an immediate attraction for me.

What is the one thing you most hope to accomplish with RxGenomix in the next five years?

As a physician, I see so many medication complications, errors, and interactions that could be avoided with a more personalized approach. I'd like to see more lives covered, which would in turn decrease complications, lower costs, and improve efficacy.

What’s your personal business philosophy?

Focus on your customers and provide impeccable service so that even your competitors become your customers. Outwork and out play everyone. Don't take your health for granted in any area – spiritual, relational, emotional, physical, or intellectual. Read and never stop learning. Don't focus on money. Focus on value creation. Be a leader, be the adult in the room. Treat everyone as if they were the most important person in the world.

Who has had the biggest impact on you professionally?

There have been so many, but I'll say both Dan Sullivan and Tony Robbins. Dan, because of his wisdom in simplifying complexity in entrepreneurship, and Tony because of how he consistently pushes the envelope in thinking bigger and way out of the box. I'd also have to include Peter Diamandis with his focus on exponential technologies and the effects those will have on our futures. 

Is there one book everyone should read?

I have over 3,000 volumes in my personal library. There's no way I could chose just one as there are so many different fields – science, medicine, history, biographies, politics, business, music, leadership, military, personal improvement, child rearing, theology, fitness, marriage, etc... that interest me.

Not to over-spiritualize, but if I had to pick just one I’d pick the Bible hands down. It addresses practically everything needed for life and living. And if I had to recommend a single book of the Bible, I'd say Romans, as that's the entire Gospel in one book. 

What is the one thing you can’t live without?

Dreams. Without dreams, we'd all die. And books and good food. And my kids. I've got awesome kids. (See a pattern? I just can't do just one.)

You have two weeks. Where would you go?

I love travel and have been to somewhere around 50 countries. I speak four languages and try to get overseas at least once or twice a year, but I've never been to Russia. I think that'd be a neat place to check out. If were staying in the States, however, I'd go back to my "safe place" – Blowing Rock/Boone, NC. I love the mountains and find peace and solace there.

What is your spirit animal?

I've always felt like my spirit animal was the horse. A few years ago, I discovered that I was born in the year of the Fire Horse. All of a sudden, my drive to live free and passionately made so much sense. Slightly rebellious, nostrils flaring, anxious to engage the challenges before me, pawing at the ground beneath before breaking into a gallop, running with the wind billowing through my mane...it all fits.

 Who should play you in the movie about your life?  (at your current age)

A hybrid of Jack Bauer and Jason Bourne are my alter egos, so I'd probably say Matt Damon, with a bit of Cary Grant thrown in there.